Greg Munno

Children Before Fish

Dozens protest the decision to invest in an aquarium while so many in Syracuse live in poverty By April Santana South Side resident Ida Stewart knows how she would spend the county’s $85 million surplus: Health care for seniors and children, food security, housing, and on the fight against lead poisoning, for starters. Not on her list? An aquarium for …

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South Side Helps Set Registration Record

By Eleanor Quarles More people in Onondaga County can vote in Tuesday’s election than in any election in history. The Board of Elections says 308,296 county residents are registered to vote, the most ever. That includes new voters who have registered since the 2016 election, as well as voters who were already on the rolls. The previous record was about …

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Center Adds Giveaways During Pandemic

Sankofa volunteers with boxes of food to give away.

By Sydney Bergan Brittany Taylor picks up a donation of bread from Panera before heading to 2323 S. Salina St. She enters, puts down the bread and starts to sanitize the inside of an airy, open space as light streams in from the large store-front window. She readies a pile of paper engagement surveys and opens the door. Welcome to …

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