Meet the Candidates: Syracuse Mayoral Candidates Forum

South Side Innovation Center 2610 S. Salina St., Syracuse

Tomorrow's Neighborhoods Today Southside will host a meet the mayoral candidates forum Thursday, June 1. All candidates running for Mayor of the city of Syracuse have been invited. Questions will be asked of all the candidates with each having an opportunity to answer first, but all answering the same question. The audience will be allowed to submit written questions during the forum. All questions will be asked by the moderator. Each response will have a 1-minute time limit and each candidate will have a 2-minute closing statement. This forum is not intended to be a debate between candidates or between the audience and the candidates, but rather an opportunity for community members to hear each candidate’s position on topics of importance. Because this is a nonpartisan forum, campaign literature, buttons, signs, clothing and other items are not allowed in the forum room. To learn more, call (315) 448-8178 or email