Hope’s Garden Presents a Black History Inspired Fashion Show

Strength and beauty, the descriptors come to the forefront of one’s mind in the presence of the designers and models that made up the BODI BI CORII fashion show.

The event was hosted by the Beauchamp Branch of the Onondaga County Public Library Feb. 18 and presented by the designers that make up Hope’s Garden. Quieesha Burns and Precious Allen put their work on public view showing that Syracuse can produce design worthy of competition on a bigger scale.

As African-American designers in Syracuse, Burns and Allen represent hope for the advancement of fashion in our community.

A model takes the stage during the the BODI BI CORII fashion show held Feb. 18, 2012 at Beauchamp Branch Library.

“Hope is all we have when we have nothing” stated Burns, a resonating sentiment that could serve as inspiration to those young men and women in this area who may feel the pursuit of careers in fashion and design are beyond their reach.

Models from Syracuse University and Cazenovia College proudly strode across the Beauchamp stage. Each woman taking but a fleeting moment to pause and turn, revealing nuances of the creations developed by the two proud designers.

As the show came to a close, the full cast of models took the stage once more accompanied by the creative talent. Burns beamed with joy at having the opportunity to show the results of her efforts to those who came to Beauchamp Library to share in this experience.


— Story and photos by Jeremiah Howell, Community Correspondent for The Stand

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