White House Conference on Aging Listening Session

Van Duyn Center 5075 West Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse

Onondaga County Executive Joanne M. Mahoney and Lisa D. Alford, executive director os the Onondaga County Office for Aging, announce the New York State Office for Aging, in collaboration with AARP New York, and the Association on Aging in New York (Aging NY) is seeking local participation in a statewide effort to solicit input to inform the 2015 White House Conference on Aging. A listening session will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, March 27, at Van Duyn Center, Bea Latremore Room, 5075 W. Seneca Turnpike. The listening session is designed to collect specific recommendations from local stakeholders, which will be summarized and conveyed at the White House Conference on Aging. The White House Conference on Aging will focus on the following themes: Retirement security, healthy aging, long-term services and supports and elder justice Those who are unable to attend the listening session can provide online recommendations at
http://www.agingny.org/WhiteHouseConferenceonAging.aspx. RSVP to Sharon.Foley@aging.ny.gov
