Greg Munno

Forums Will Focus on Stopping Scams

The Stand wants to hear from you on how we can help each other spot misleading information and respond to it appropriately Staff Reports The Stand and its partners are hosting two community forums aimed at surfacing ideas for recognizing and combatting scams and other types of misinformation. The forums are: 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, at …

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Preventing Homelessness in Syracuse

Nicole Odom advocates for tenant rights and worries about the lack of affordable housing on the South Side.

Nicole Odom is all in on helping people avoid eviction. It’s what she does does at the Center for Community Alternatives and also the focus of her company Nicole’s Speaking LLC.  By Timia Cobb Nicole Odom has lived in Syracuse all her life, and never has she been more concerned about the lack of housing in the city, especially on …

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Eliminado el racismo y empoderando su comunidad

Nacida en Perú, Fanny Villarreal se ha convertido en una gran persona en la comunidad de Syracuse por su esfuerzo en eliminar el racismo y empoderar mujeres y niñas a través de YWCA. Here’s Ortiz’s interview with Villarreal in English. Escrita por: Tania Ortiz Antes de que Fanny Villarreal decidiera establecerse en Syracuse, ella sirvió como jueza en las selvas …

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Eliminating Racism, Empowering Community

Born in Peru, Fanny Villarreal has become a well-known name in the Syracuse community with her work to eliminate racism and empower young women and girls through the YWCA. Aquí está la entrevista de Ortiz con Villarreal en español. By Tania Ortiz Before Fanny Villarreal decided to settle in Syracuse, she served as a judge in the Peruvian jungle and …

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Conectando Dos Culturas

Nacida en Puerto Rico, Tere Paniagua ha echado raíces en Syracuse mientras que continúa a conectar  la comunidad Latino de la Universidad de Syracuse y la ciudad. Editor’s Note: An English version of this article can be found here. Escrita por: Tania Ortiz Tere Paniagua creía que dejó el invierno atrás cuando se graduó de la Universidad de Syracuse en …

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Connecting Two Cultures

Born in Puerto Rico, Tere Paniagua has put down roots in Syracuse while working to bridge the Latino communities in Syracuse and on the SU campus.  Nota del editor: Para leer una versión en español de este artículo, haga clic aquí. By Tania Ortiz Tere Paniagua thought she had left winter behind when she graduated Syracuse University in 1982. “That …

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Prioritizing Early Childhood

Affordable childcare, YMCA center and playspace all included in potential Syracuse Children Rising Center

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Arcènia Notilija Vilanculo

Help the Syracuse Urban Food Forest Project decide what to plant this year at 4 p.m. meeting Thursday, Feb. 2, at the Dunbar Center on the city’s South Side By Arcènia Notilija Vilanculo Guest Column for The Stand There is a saying in Portuguese that goes, “para ser imortal, plante uma árvore, escreva um livro e tenha um filho,” which …

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Monitoring blood pressure at home can be tricky. Here’s how to do it right.

By Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News Knowing your blood pressure is a basic part of good health. After all, high blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. Black Americans are also more likely to have high blood pressure, making it all the more important that they take action. Doctors recommend that adults regularly check their blood-pressure …

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Voting ‘Yes’ When They Wanted a ‘No’

lead poisoning trends

Charles Garland says he has fielded many angry calls from South Side residents since voting ‘yes’ on the aquarium project. But he stands by the vote, saying it will best serve the neighborhood in the long-run. By April Santana  Albert Tubbert knew from the start that the aquarium proposal would pass. That didn’t stop him from taking time off from …

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